Monday, March 30, 2015

Jump Start Your Writing Today!

What motivates you to write?

1.) Do you prefer the sounds of the rain drops?

2.) How about sitting on your balcony as the sun shines?

3.) Do you get inspiration from listening to music?

4.) Does it have to be completely quiet?

5.) How about a goodnight's sleep?

6.) Did that writing prompt help?

7.) How was that walk?

8.) Did that book help?

9.) How about re-writing your other work?

10.) Did that vacation help?

See, it is different for everyone. We all write. That inspiration comes from somewhere. It's just a matter of time before it all starts. Then we find ourselves picking up a pen and the notebook. If not that, it is the computer that has our eyes glued too.

Our writing takes off. We are in our zone. Nothing can't hold us back now. How about you? Do you feel the same way?

Writer's write! That is how it is and will be.

Keep going...write! Don't give up!

Click here to learn more!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Self-Publishing and Writing Tips!

It's no secret that e-books now regularly outsell traditionally published books in online bookstores around the world. Learn step by step how to use free tools to turn your manuscript into a professionally published e-book ready for distribution. Or, if you don't consider yourself a "techie," this course will give you the information you need to select the right publishing services to help you as you convert your manuscript so you're ready to sell it as an e-book. 

Indie Authors Guide(Book 1)

Buy Now --->

"Writers write." It's that easy!  Identify your ebook writing skills and build upon them to
 fit into today's market.

 Indie Authors Guide (Book 2)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Writing Decisions write or not?

Every author or writer faces this. And it is up to us to decide.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Stay uplifted with inspirational poems!

You Are Blessed

God gave you life
You are blessed,

A roof over your head
You are blessed,

Food on your table
You are blessed,

Got your health and strength
You are blessed,

Have someone to care for you
You are blessed,

Money in the bank
You are blessed,

Encouraging others
You are blessed,

Doing good deeds
You are blessed,

Saying a prayer
You are blessed.

My Name

My name is endurable
It’s a real life-giving
To my identity,

My name is enchanting
I have love
In my heart,

My name is poetical
I’m creative
When I am writing,

My name is about creed
I've dignity and integrity
When reaching for success,

My name is spiritual
I am a believer
Who knows Jesus Christ,

My name is about me
Sharing my work
That I have a passion for.

My Mother’s Love

From birth to the end
The best of her heart
Her everlasting concerns
Always the important thing to me,
A true to be who I honor
Who shows me right & wrong
Giving me strength to start my day
My eternal one & only,
Who’s the reason for my days
Leading me to Jesus Christ
Making me a good child
So, I can receive from His words,
Mine O’ Mine
Who I adore
Forever for me
Mines only.

Click here to buy ---->

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Give yourself a pat on the back. Reward yourself. You have been doing great. All of those projects you have been working on has kept you busy. A writer at his or her best! Yes, we want to get it done. We want success. Sticking to your goals will be rewarding. Don't give up! Keep striving and believe in yourself. You can do this! I know you can.

Writer's write. This is us and who we are.

Why we do it?

We have dreamed of this our whole life or it had just hit home; this is what I want and have to do. Being able to share our knowledge or tell a story is what takes place. Our minds are at work.

See, people can use information that they need answers too. Even to be entertain is why they buy. If they like it, then they will buy from you again.

Now, lets me move on to the next topic!

Give your readers what they want. If you don't know, ask. Oh, how about when you are in public or on facebook. See what the buzz is. Take notes. Another way to find out is to checkout reviews from different books that you want to write about. Because sometimes customers aren't satisfied still. Maybe you can go over what was missed. Then you have yourself a new project. And you will have something else to look forward to doing.

Make your customers happy. Most importantly, keep doing what you love to do. Don't let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams. You will benefit from it in the end.

Remember, writers write!